Level G “Bear”  

A Deeper Dive into English Composition, Analytical Grammar, Literature Analysis, and “Pre-Pre-Algebra”

Ages 11-12

Literature, Composition and Grammar: Level F students will continue to follow the excellent Memoria Press Classical Composition, Literature, and Grammar curriculum.

Latin:  Students in Level G will complete the second half of Form Form Latin, which they began in Level F.  By the end of Level G they will have mastered the six indicative active tenses of the first two verb conjugations, five noun declensions, first and second declension adjectives, and 185 Latin vocabulary words.

Math:  Arithmetic 6. Click for Scope and Sequence. Level G students will review and extend skills learned in previous grades. They will be introduced to the concepts of greatest common factor, lowest common multiple, and learn how to do mental shortcuts in calculation, multiply and divide decimals, find decimal-fraction equivalents, calculate percents, construct circle graphs, and convert English and metric measurement. Students will also study basic geometry concepts of perimeter, circumference, and angles.

Spelling: Students not yet proficient in spelling are encouraged to follow a spelling curriculum at home in order to build skills required to write and spell at this level. Curriculum choices will be recommended.

Christian StudiesBuilding upon the foundation of Bible literacy begun in Levels A-E, students will continue with a survey of the Bible using Memoria Press’ Christians Studies 2 (Old Testament History) or 3 (New Testament). The courses are alternated every other year. Level F students will also memorize Psalm 91 and longer portions of scripture monthly.

History:  Students in Levels F & G enjoy a year-long dive into the history of Rome (Year 1) and the history of the Middle Ages (Year 2).  Levels F & G combine for instructions and the courses are alternated every other year.

Nature Study:  Students in Levels F & G enjoy a year-long dive into the Study of Insects (Year 1) and the Study of Astronomy s (Year 2).  Levels F & G combine for instructions and the courses are alternated every other year.

Geography:  Levels F & G will develop mastery of all 50 States and Capitals.  One half of US Geography will be taught one year, and the second have the second year.  Instruction will be combined for Levels F & G.

Subjects to be covered at home:  Life Skills, physical fitness, fine arts, family discipleship and spiritual formation, and nature study.