Grammar Level B: “Fox”
Reading Real Stories and Ready to Spell
Ages 6-8
Phonics and Reading: Level B students are on their way to real reading. They can easily blend short-vowel words and are starting to work with long vowels. In Level B, they complete their systematic introduction to the basic phonics rules needed for reading, with an emphasis on the long-vowel teams. Phonics for reading is then integrated into the reading of high interest literature such as Little Bear, Make Way for Ducklings, The Story of Ping, The Little House, and others. Reading instruction is teacher guided as students are explicitly taught the phonics, new words, and vocabulary needed to read the chosen books. They also master over 90 additional sight words.
Spelling: Formal spelling instruction begins in Level B. Students are re-introduced to the basic phonics rules that they learned for reading in Level A, but at a higher level of mastery required to not only read, but also to spell words. Spelling instruction involves intensive instruction in phonics and daily spelling practice both orally and in writing.
Writing: Writing instruction comes from Copywork, where students carefully copy scripture and poetry verses, paying attention to grammar and spelling constructs therein. Simple dictation exercises are also included at Level B.
Latin: Students learn fun conversational Latin phrases and Latin prayers as part of their daily recitation.
Cursive Penmanship: Level B students are gently introduced to the formation of cursive letters, one letter per week.
Math: Arithmetic 1 2nd half (Click for scope and sequence) Continuing with the concepts introduced in Level A, students will master all addition and subtraction facts to 10, with a new focus on speed. They will continue to build number sense through hundreds board work, skip counting, working with money, and telling time.
Enrichment: Level B includes weekly read-alouds and discussion of beautiful children’s literature and poetry.
Subjects to be covered at home: Life Skills, physical fitness, fine arts, family discipleship and spiritual formation, nature study.
Grammar Level A Grammar Level C Grammar Level D Grammar Level E