Registration for our 2025/26 School Year is now open!
Scholarship Campaign
Our Scholarship Campaign for the 2025/26 school year is happening now.
Click “Donate to learn how you can impact the next generation by making a classical and Christian education a reality for every family.
Our Mission
In partnership with parents and guided by the Gospel, we strive to provide students with an excellent Christian and classical
education, so that they may grow in knowledge, wisdom, and the love of Our Lord, and more ably use their gifts in the service of others and for the glory of Christ.
Mountain Scholars is Christian
Mountain Scholars upholds traditional Christian morality and the Holy Scriptures as the divinely inspired word of God. Mountain Scholars warmly welcomes families of other faiths who are respectful of our distinctive Christian identity.
Mountain Scholars is Traditional
In the traditional classroom, a knowledgeable, well-prepared, enthusiastic teacher carefully leads students into an understanding of each subject. Classrooms are quiet, orderly, and disciplined. Lessons are incremental, content is age-appropriate, and students learn the important skill of quality written work completed in a timely manner. Homework is moderate and is for the purpose of practicing or preparing for a lesson. The traditional classroom is consistent with human nature and the experience of many decades has demonstrated its superiority over the modern child-centered classroom.
Mountain Scholars is a Classical Latin Heritage School
For millennia, classical education was synonymous with education. Today, it can be distinguished from modern education in that while modern education focuses on teaching students what to think about social issues issues and how to do specific skills for specific tasks, classical education aims to teach students how to think virtuously in a broad sense so that they may develop wisdom and character. Classical education specifically seeks to teach about the shared history and heritage of the civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Jerusalem that have formed our culture today. As in Classical Schools of old, Latin is taught at every grade level as the foundational subject to understanding the order of language and to train the mind to think in an organized and disciplined way.
Mountain Scholars is a Hybrid Program
Mountain Scholars is not a full-time day school, and participation does not meet the compulsory education requirements of the State of California. Mountain Scholars students must be concurrently enrolled in a private or public day school. Many of our students file a private homeschool affidavit and use Mountain Scholars classes to augment their homeschool program. Time in the classroom is limited to what is required for instruction in our core subjects, and the balance of the child’s day is reserved for family time or other courses of study. During our classes, a well prepared teacher provides intensive instruction for greatest academic impact in the least amount of time.
Non discrimination policy:
Mountain Scholars does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin. Mountain Scholars admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, scholarships and activities generally accorded to or made available to students at the school.